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Date of birth
Educational qualification
Master Degree thesis
Trieste, Italy
Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Trieste, 1981
Ecological studies on some pools in the Karst near Trieste
research interests
Taxonomy, biogeography
and distributional ecology of freshwater copepods (since 1984)
Taxonomy, phylogeny,
biogeography and biodiversity of amphipods (Niphargus)
and isopods (Proasellus, Monolistra) in Italy (since 1984)
Biospeleology and groundwater
ecology (since 1984)
Microcrustacean assemblages
in karstic ponds and pools (since 1981)
Biodiversity, distributional
ecology, biogeography and conservation of Italian invertebrates (databases, GIS, and mapping) (since 1998)
Past research interests |
Biological monitoring of
running waters using macroinvertebrates (1985-1992)
distributional ecology in running waters (1985-1992)
Environmental impact
assessment (1990-1998)
Other technical and
scientific skills |
MS Visual Basic 6, MS Access up to 2007
and ArcGIS 9.x programming
Web Sites design (HTML, PHP, MySQL)
Multivariate statistical
analysis (programming in VB, MS Excel, R)d.), 2009 -
Gli habitat italiani (English edition: Italian habitats). Quaderni Habitat (English edition: Italian Habitats), Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare e Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale, 24: 208 pp. |
publications and books |
Up to now, 195 scientific publications
were published in peer reviewed journals or books, 19 of them in
journals with Impact Factor and 60 books or book chapters on zoology, ecology and Italian
Recent research and co-ordination activities |
Co-ordinator of complex working groups in ecology (biodiversity assessment of invertebrate assemblages in freshwaters, especially groundwaters; monitoring following art. 18 of Habitat Directive; Environmental Impact Assessments); zoology (researches on freshwater and groundwater faunas); GIS, databases and Webgis. Main recent research activities (a complete list may be found in the Professional activity page):
2009 – Scientific co-ordinator of the Italian Focal Point of Fauna Europaea (CSFI - Comitato Scientifico per la Fauna d'Italia) within the EU project PESI (Pan-European Species-directories infrastructure 2009-2011)
2009 – Scientific co-ordinator of the project 'Integrazioni al Catasto Grotte del sito Natura 2000 SIC IT3340006 “Carso Triestino e Goriziano” e ZPS IT3341002 “Aree carsiche della Venezia Giulia”', Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Direzione centrale risorse agricole, naturali, forestali e montagna
2009 - Scientific co-ordinator of the series “Italian Habitats” on endangered habitats of Italy (2001/2009), published by the Friuli Museum of Natural History of Udine and the Ministry for Environment and Territory Protection and Sea, Directorate for Nature Protection. Editor in chief of the following volumes: Caves and karstic phenomena (2001), Mountain streams (2002), Brackish coastal lakes (2003), Realms of snow and ice (2005), Pools, ponds and marshland (2005), Rocky slopes and screes (2006), High-altitude lakes (2006), Volcanic lakes (2007), Subterranean waters (2008), Italian habitats (2009)
2007 – Scientific member of the Technical Secretariat for Natural Protected Areas of the Directorate for Nature Protection of the Ministry for Environment and Territory Protection and Sea (2004-2007); within the main activities::
a. co-ordinator of the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) of the Convention on Biodiversity
b. co-ordinator for the realization of the web portal of the Clearing House Mechanism on GTI
c. co-ordinator of biodiversity databases implementation and management: Checklist of the Italian Fauna (terrestrial and freshwater fauna), CKmap (Distribution of terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates and lower vertebrates), Checklist of Marine Fauna, Checklist of Marine Fitoplankton, Checklist of Vascular Flora)
d. co-ordinator of the database of the Italian Protected Fauna and of GIS implementation (for invertebrates) of the reports of Habitat Directive species
e. organization of the Side Event on the Global Taxonomy Initiative within the Open Ended Working Group of Montecatini on Natural Protected Areas (14 june 2005)
f. chair of the session on GTI at the IV Inter-ministerial Conference "Biodiversity in Europe" (Plitvice, Croatia, 22-24 february 2006)
2006 – Co-ordination and implementation of the GIS of the Fish Maps of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region for Ente Tutela Pesca del Friuli Venezia Giulia; implementation of the database and distributional map for fish and running water macroinvertebrates
2004 – Co-ordinator for invertebrates and lower vertebrates in the project "Qualità e stato di conservazione degli Habitat del Friuli Venezia Giulia" ("Environmental quality and conservation status of habitats in Friuli Venezia Giulia") and development of methods for Environmental Impact assessment and Incidence Assessment in collavoration with the Department of Biology, University of Trieste and the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Directorate for Territory Planning
2004 – Co-ordinator of the project CKmap (checklist and distribution of 10,000 species of invertebrates and lower vertebrates in Italy (contract agreement between Comitato Scientifico per la Fauna d'Italia and the Directorate for Nature Protection of the Ministry for Environment and Territory Protection and Sea, involving about 110 taxonomists
2004 – Co-ordinator of two workpackages of th eEU project PASCALIS (Protocols for the assessment and conservation of aquatic life in the subsurface, 2002–2004, Contract n° EVK2–CT–2001–00121–PASCALIS of the Fifth Research and Technological Development Framework Program supported by the European Community): Workpackage 7 (Identification of bioindicators and biodiversity partitioning) and 8 (Validation procedure and patterns of biodiversity); co-ordinator of th eworking group on amphipod taxonomy
2003 – Scientific co-ordinator of the project "Monitoraggio della componente faunistica dei siti di importanza comunitaria e degli habitat a rischio in applicazione della Direttiva 92/43/CEE" ("Fauna monitoring of the Sites of Community Interests and endangered habitats following the Habitat Directive"); contract agreement between the Friuli Museum of Natural History and the Directorate for Parks of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Up to now, 65 research programs and environmental impact studies were performed in Italy and in the European Community (see the Professional activity page).
Main symposia |
1. XXVI Congress of S.I.B. (Italian Society of Biogeography), Udine, Italy, 1986, on: "Biogeography of southeastern Alps". Oral communications: "Considerazioni biogeografiche sugli Isopodi (Crustacea, Peracarida) delle acque interne dell'Italia nordorientale (Biogeographic notes on the freshwater Isopods of northeastern Italy)" and "I Ciclopoidi (Crustacea, Copepoda) delle acque interne italiane ad Est del F. Piave: osservazioni faunistiche e biogeografiche (Freshwater cyclopoids from Italy, East of Piave River: faunistic and biogeographic notes)
2. XI Colloque International de Biospéologie, Florence, Italy, 1994. Oral communication: “The ecological and historical determinants of crustacean diversity in groundwaters, or: why are there so many species?”
3. XII Colloque International de Biospéologie, Moulis, France, 1995. Oral communication: “Toward a more exact definition of stygobionts: an approach using multivariate statistical analysis”
4. Europäisches Symposium für Quellökologie und Quellschutz, Münster, Germany, 1996. Poster: “The aquatic fauna of some springs in Italy and Bavaria”
5. XIII Colloque International de Biospéologie, Marrakesch, Marocco, 1997. Communication at the round table: “Models of colonization of continental groundwaters: a review”; oral communication: “Biogeography and distributional ecology of groundwater fauna of northern Italy”
6. 59° National Congress of the Italian Zoological Union, San Benedetto del Tronto, 1998; oral communicatin on: “The invertebrates in the appendix II of Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC: their significance and chronogeonemy” (with S. Ruffo).
8. VII International Congress of Copepodology, Curitiba, Brazil, 1999. Oral communications: “How many species of Diacyclops? New taxonomic characters and species richness in a freshwater cyclopid genus (Copepoda, Cyclopoida)”; “ Distribution and ecology of copepods in mountainous regions of the Eastern Alps” (with C. Jersabek, A. Brancelj, R. Schatsberger)
9. XIV International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia, 1999. Plenary lecture: “Hotspots of biodiversity, rarity and endemism: setting priorities for the conservation of caves and karstic areas”
10. 61° National Congress of the Italian Zoological Union, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, 2000,”, oral communication: “Mapping the distribution of Italian invertebrates”
11. International Workshop: Mapping Subterranean Biodiversity, 2001, Laboratoire Souterrain du CNRS, Moulis (Ariege, France); oral communications: “Demo of the database and mapping program Ckmap”; “Report of status for Italy”
12. Symposium “Botanical and zoological knowledge in Italy: from databases to biological monitoring”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 2001; lecture: “Check-list, databases and distribution of Italian fauna”
13. Workshop “Mountain wetlands in Italy: research and management”, University of Parma, 2002. Oral communication Stoch F., Vagaggini D., Margaritora F.G., “Distribution and ecology of cladocerans in high-altitude water bofies on Southern Limestone Alps (northern Italy)”
15. XVI International Symposium of Biospeleology, Verona, 2002. Oral communications: Brandmayr P., La Posta S., Latella L., Ruffo S., Stoch F., “Mapping subterranean biodiversity in Italy: the state of the art”; Stoch F., “Some hotspots of species richness and endemism in the genus Niphargus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in Italy: ecological and historical explanations”; poster: Galassi D.M.P., Stoch F., Sambugar B., De Laurentiis P., D’Ambrosio P., Di Lorenzo T., Fiasca B., Gattone E., “The Pascalis Project in Italy: state of the art”
16. Meeting “Conservation and recovery of wetlands of communitary interest", Villa Manin di Passariano, Codroipo, 2002; lecture “The invertebrates as biological indicators in the recovery of natural protected areas of Risorgive di Flambro and Risorgive di Virco”
18. 66° National Congress of the Italian Zoological Union, Rome, 19–22 september 2005; lecture: La Posta S., Stoch F., “CKmap: from knowledge to conservation strategies of Italian fauna”
19. Workshop “Stato della Biodiversità in Italia: Strumenti di Applicazione delle Direttive Habitat e Uccelli e Programmazione dei Fondi Comunitari 2007–2013”, Rome, 26–27 october 2005; oral communication: “GIS Natura: il GIS delle conoscenze naturalistiche in Italia”
20. XXXVI Congress of the Italian Society of Biogeography: Biogeography of central and northern Apennines, L’Aquila, 6-9 settembre 2006; plenary lecture “L’assetto zoogeografico dell’Appennino centro-settentrionale”
Member of the following scientific societies: |
S.I.B. (Societé International
de Biospéologie)
S.S.I. (Società Speleologica Italiana )
W.A.C. (World Association
of Copepodologists)
S.E.I. (Società Entomologica Italiana)
U.Z.I. (Unione Zoologica Italiana)